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Athena Zecha

Where did you grow up?


It is Friday night - beer, wine, cocktail, or fresh pressed juice?

Every Friday night is different! But a good wine with dinner never disappoints.

If you had one last meal, what would you eat?

Anything, as long as my mom cooks it!

Do you have a favorite movie or actor/actress?

I have too many to pick just one!

You are stuck in LA traffic - what music are you playing to pass the time?

Anything I can sing along and jam to – from musical theatre show tunes to pop ballads and everything in between.

What first got you into fitness as a lifestyle and career?

I started as a dancer, and that helped introduce me into the world of fitness ☺ 

What is one of your favorite fitness moments so far in life?

Every time I set a new PR! 

What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?

Love ab/ core work, hate cardio (not if it’s dancing tho!)

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes?

“If you can dream it, you can do it”.

What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you?

To me, “Sanctuary” means a safe haven. A place where there is no stress, no worry and no judgement.
