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Nicholas Duran

HIIT Instructor

Where did you grow up?

Tucson, AZ

It is Friday night - beer, wine, cocktail, or fresh-pressed juice?

Depends on what my plans are, but either red wine or a gin and tonic

If you had one last meal, what would you eat?

Nachos, but like an all out veggie option.

You are stuck in LA traffic - what music are you playing to pass the time?

It honestly depends on my mood, but if it lands on Beyonce I’m sticking with it.

What first got you into fitness?

I was a former professional dancer and it was really just a natural transition.

What is one of your favorite fitness moments so far in life?

My favorite/most challenging was being recruited to work for a high end company in Beijing, Taipei and Shanghai for 2 and ½ years

What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?

Give me a lunge, squat or balance any day, but I’ll pass on pull-ups

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes?

“I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than the things I haven’t done”

What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you?

It is a safe space where you can escape the world and reset
