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Jules Gomez

HIIT Instructor

Jules is a motivational, energetic, caring fitness professional whose passion is guiding people of all fitness levels to become the strongest, best version of themselves from the inside out. She will challenge you to go outside of your comfort zone and support you through the process. After a killer sweat session, Jules will take you through a mindful meditation and stretch that will have you refreshed and ready to conquer the day!

Where did you grow up?

Montclair, CA 

It is Friday night - beer, wine, cocktail, or fresh pressed juice?

Fresh Pressed Juice! 

If you had one last meal, what would you eat?

A steak salad and a slice of cheesecake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream 

Do you have a favorite movie or actor/actress?

A Star is Born and Angelina Jolie 

You are stuck in LA traffic - what music are you playing to pass the time?

Beyoncé or Sam Smith because I love singing ballads in the car. 

What first got you into fitness?

Throughout high school and college, I struggled with body image issues, which was partly due to low self-esteem, but also a lack of knowledge about healthy lifestyle behaviors. As I learned more about proper nutrition and physical activity, the people around me started reaching out for guidance, which inspired me to become a health coach. I fell in love with coaching and training people, so 5 years later, I made a complete career shift from college admissions to full-time health and fitness. I am happier and more fulfilled than ever before! 

What is one of your favorite fitness moments so far in life?

Finding Sanctuary, because I can be myself, share my gifts, and spread light to others. 

What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?

Favorite is the barbell deadlift and least favorite is flutter kicks. 

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes?

“Where focus goes, energy flows” -Tony Robbins 

What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you?

Sanctuary means freedom and a meaningful place to be yourself at all times. It’s a place where you can let go and just be in the present moment. A place where you can escape the stresses of the outside world for a period of time. A place to refresh, reset, regroup, refocus. A place to unwind and let it all out through physical and mental stimulation.
