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Taylor Olson

Where did you grow up?

Austin, Texas-- Hook ‘em Horns!!

It is Friday night - beer, wine, cocktail, or fresh pressed juice?

Cocktail! Always down for a Spicy Marg or Moscow Mule.

If you had one last meal, what would you eat?

Vodka sauce pasta from Elephante...yummm my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Do you have a favorite movie or actor/actress?

Good Will Hunting-- It gets me every time.

You are stuck in LA traffic - what music are you playing to pass the time?

Odesza or Rufus du Sol!

What first got you into fitness as a lifestyle and career?

I’ve been a dancer my whole life and was always looking for ways to cross train to stay healthy and strong for my intense dance schedule. I’ve done a variety of fitness classes, but I discovered HIIT when I moved to LA and absolutely fell in love. I think Sanctuary is the perfect quick and full body class to get you feeling recharged and ready to tackle your day!

What is one of your favorite fitness moments so far in life?

When I realized that adding some sort of exercise into my daily routine is a must for my mental health. Active Tay = Happy Tay :)

What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?

Favorite: Booty & Ab burn
Least Favorite: Running

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes?

“Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit, but it's what you do at that moment that determines who you are.” -David Goggins

What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you?

To me, “Sanctuary” is a safe haven where you feel welcomed yet pushed to be your best self. That is what I feel every time I walk through these doors. Almost like a home for meditation--where I need to be in this sanctuary surrounded by like-minded people in order to feel sane. Especially in a time like today, I think it is so important for everyone to find their Sanctuary.
