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Sharon Cirunay

HIIT Instructor

Where did you grow up?

Pasadena, CA

It is Friday night - beer, wine, cocktail, or fresh-pressed juice?

Fresh-pressed juice

If you had one last meal, what would you eat?

Fleming’s bone-in rib eye, asparagus with garlic mashed potatoes OR chili - cheese fries! Lol

Do you have a favorite movie or actor/actress?


Actor: Tom Hanks,  because he’s that good, Robert Downey Jr, because he’s funny and good, Denzel because he’s all of the above!

Actress: Meryl Streep and Angelina Jolie

You are stuck in LA traffic - what music are you playing to pass the time?

90’s hip/hop and R&B;  something I can sing and dance to.

What first got you into fitness?

Long story long.  I’ve played sports my whole life.  I wasn’t the best player on the team, but I’m all-heart and a strong defender.  I played volleyball, basketball, softball, track and was a cheerleader from junior high to college intramural sports. I starting working out with weights at 18.  I read all the muscle fitness magazines and watched all the Arnold documentaries. 

When I met my husband in college 25 years ago, we both had “lifting heavy things” in common.  I had a career of 15 years in medical device and pharmaceutical sales.

I was laid off in 2010, and with 2 beautiful children, I continued to move my body in as many ways a possible to stay sane. 

Like sports, I’ve done it all... CrossFit, spinning, yoga, Muy Thai, and JuJitsu.  I began group fitness coaching 5 years ago.  Now I’m doing something I’m passionate about.

I always get asked, “Sharon, what’s the best type of workouts?” I always respond, “the one that keeps you consistent and coming back for more!”

What is one of your favorite fitness moments so far in life?

When a woman (judge) cried to me and told me my 4 AM class saved her life after her divorce.  She added that my energy and zest for life changed hers.  I had no idea; we both cried.

What is your favorite and least favorite exercise?

Pull-ups and pull-ups.

What is one of your favorite inspirational quotes?

“Recognition brings restoration.” Pastor Michael Todd - I’ll let you dissect that one.

What does the word "Sanctuary" mean to you?

Sanctuary is a place where you can be yourself, without judgment, without hate and full of uncertainty.  It’s a place where you can look within, know you were created for something bigger, and leave with your mind/body restored and renewed!
